Wednesday 3 October 2012

VAT Increase on Sports Supplements

When we at 999Protein first heard about the proposed VAT increase on sports supplements products we were all genuinely appalled , 6 months on and sadly all attempts to fight this change have failed. Industry giants such as Jason Rickaby PhD Nutrition Co-Founder and Managing Director have tried to lobby for the VAT increase to be halted, sadly this fell on deaf ears. Although diet protein is exempt from the VAT increase, this product is not used by the main stream industry. 

Below are some reasons why this stupidity is wrong.
  • This year has seen the summer of sport” do wonders for our nation acting as a catalyst for righting so many wrongs that have crept into our culture. One of these being the increase of obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. So why is there going to be a VAT increase on a key industry that’s encouraging physical fitness which can massively bring down costs for the NHS and improve a nation as a whole?
  • We are constantly being encouraged to live healthy lives; through quitting smoking, joining health clubs and eating 5 fruit and vegetable portions a day. Yet this legislation is almost suggesting that “If you want to be healthy, it will cost you it’ll cost you twice as much”. 
  • With high under 25 unemployment and a trillion pounds worth of national debt that needs two generations to pay it off, we should be encouraging youngsters to get out the house and get active building a new country that never sees the dark days of recession like we’re in now. Instead the VAT rise is makes a healthy lifestyle look too expensive and gives mind numbing lazy options such as video games look cheaper and more engaging.
Sorry to reiterate this point again, but WE CANNOT understand the timing of this VAT increase. 

Why not delay it a year so that the industry can brace itself, and the government can see what effect this Summer of Sport has had on our national as a whole.

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