Wednesday 20 February 2013

Allmax Quick Mass Loaded

Allmax Quick Mass Loaded is a scientifically formulated mass builder based on California State University research and is designed to help even the hardest gainer pack on lean mass quickly!* Quick Mass Loaded accomplishes this by combining a scientifically surmised calorie level with a new calorie activation system called NP5™ technology. Every angle of the Quick Mass Loaded formula has been custom designed with the sole objective of delivering AllMax Nutrition's strongest, most effective mass gainer in existence today! We at AllMax Nutrition feel we have accomplished our mission - You be the judge!

Allmax Quick Mass Loaded goes to work by providing a precise 1010 calories per serving made up of the following unique custom engineered macronutrient blends:

OCTA-PRO™ - 8-STAGE Protein Delivery Matrix

Understanding the importance of trickling amino acids into the bloodstream over an extended period of time, QuickMass Loaded contains 55 grams of an 8-STAGE nitrogen delivery system. The fact remains, every protein has its unique advantages and QuickMass Loaded delivers 8 different forms of protein that jack up the amino acid profile and create a time-released protein of the high biological value.

CARB-PLEX™ - GI Balanced Carbohydrate Matrix

Balance is everything. Understanding that all carbohydrates are not created equal, the scientists at AllMax Nutrition studied the glycemic index (GI) of numerous ingredients and created a carbohydrate matrix that would slowly raise blood glucose and prolong insulin release over an extended period of time.* With insulin being released over an extended period of time, the amino acids trickling into the blood stream from OCTA-PRO are delivered to the muscles creating positive muscle nitrogen retention for hours!* By combining precise levels of long chain polysaccharides with a modified dextrose equivalent, fructose and a unique fiber called FIBERSOL-2™, CARB-PLEX™ integrates perfectly into the formula to help accomplish the mass building mission of Quick Mass Loaded.

OMEGA-LIPID™ - Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Matrix

With the objective of delivering 1010 calories per serving (without the need to add milk), the remaining calorie content is derived from a functional essential fatty acid (EFA) matrix designed to deliver stable forms of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. To achieve its fatty acid composition, OMEGA-LIPID™ fat is derived from Enzyme modified Sunflower Seed Oil (omega-6), Conjugated Linoleic Acid (Clairinol™ brand CLA), Microencapsulated Flax Seed Oil powder (omega-3), Freeze dried Borage Seed Oil powder (omega-6 & GLA), Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT's), and Hi-MCT Coconut Oil Powder (delivering Testosterone boosting saturated fat and additional MCTs).* OMEGA-LIPID is by far our most advanced functional fatty acid matrix and will ensure you are getting quality fats as part of your calorie matrix!

NP5™ - Calorie Activation Technology

NP5 is a patent-pending proprietary blend of Creatine (including Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate), Insulinogenic agents and enzymes that allow the body to utilize calories more efficiently, triggering faster gains in lean body mass.*

The Bottom line is to get big you have to eat big! This means consuming a huge amount of quality calories. Simply put, if you're not consuming more calories then your body is burning, you will not gain mass - You can't argue with this fact! QuickMass® Loaded works by providing a precise 1010 calories per serving with custom engineered nutrient matrixes that set the standard in mass gainers.

We are now stocking this great mass gaining supplements along with a wide range of Allmax sport supplements in store and available to buy online at 999 protein.

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Active Woman Range

999 Protein have now added Bio Synergy's Active Woman Range to their ever increasing sports nutrition supplements range.

The Active Woman range is made up of five distinct and functional products to help you elevate your exercise and improve your quality of life. Each has been exquisitely tailored to address a specific nutritional need before or after exercise. Taken together, they can help you improve energy levels, increase metabolic fat burning, accelerate athletic performance, stop sugar cravings, and promote the development of toned muscle physique.

Active Woman - Refuel
Never miss a beat with this fantastic post-workout recovery shake, from the brand new Active Woman Range. This shake will help you to skip the slumps with quality carbs.

Active Woman - Activate
Get ready to rock with this invigorating pre-workout energy shake! This brand new product is made with premium protein for long-lasting vitality.
Active Woman - Revitalise
Get your groove on with this fabulous drink mix for superior hydration, this will help to maintain your energy and improve performance.
Active Woman - Refine
This new product called Refine from the Active Woman Range can be used to target stored fat and cellulite with CLA,and improve your metabolism thanks to Yerba Mate.

Active Woman - Define
Turbocharge your metabolism with Green tea in this brand new product and say goodbye to sugar cravings thanks to the Chromium.

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Gaspari Myofusion Elite Protein Series

The long awaited Gaspari Myofusion Elite Protein Series has now been released and is now in stock at

Myofusion Elite is a revolutionary protein formulation with a highly potent blend of the four protein sources you’ll cherish day in and day out. Gaspari Myofusion is heralded as one of the best protein powders around the world and for good reason. It tastes absolutely amazing and has 25 grams of protein per scoop.

Available in four great flavours - chocolate, cookes & cream, strawberry and vanilla in a 50 serving tub Gaspari Myofusion Elite is a great choice for your protein supplement.

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Allmax Krush Loaded

New KRUSH LOADED is total Post-Workout Muscle Recovery. Rapid increases in size, strength and power in a convenient and delicious post-workout Fruit Punch drink. KRUSH LOADED has less than half the sugar of old-school formulas with state-of-the-art PharmaFuse™ Creatine. If you're looking to build a lot of muscle fast, then read on. KRUSH LOADED has the answer you've been looking for.

Are You Missing the Most Important Muscle Growth Opportunity?

What every bodybuilder worth his salt knows - shortburst, high intensity, heavy resistance training that gets results also rapidly depletes muscular energy stores (glycogen). This may leave you in a depleted state. If you don't supercharge your muscles with a rapid infusion of carbs immediately following training, you miss the most crucial opportunity for powerful growth and total recovery.

KRUSH LOADED speeds the replenishment of muscular energy stores. Following the wrong advice (or "advices," as Arnold would say) of those preaching "no carbs" like it was a religion will seriously compromise not only your gains, but also your capacity to fully recover and hit your next workout with a full battery. Even worse, trying to recover without carbs will put you into a catabolic muscle-wasting state faster than Mr. T can say "I pity the fool!"

Why Aren't You Making Gains in the Gym Like You Should Be?

Research study after research study confirms that not taking advantage of this critical 30-minute post-workout timeframe to administer quick-absorbing, fast-acting carbs severely damages your ability to completely recover. Ignorance of this knowledge will cost you muscle! You will slip into a state called gluconeogenesis, where your body literally steals protein from your muscle tissue to make the carbs you failed to consume; this is a scientific fact.

I can just hear the brainwashed banter now, "But I'll get fat if I eat carbs?" No, no, no, no and no. Was Michael Phelps fat on his 12,000 calorie a day diet? No and no again. If you sit on your ass all day and eat Twinkies, you will get fat. However, (and pay attention here) getting into the gym and lifting heavy, heavy weights for an hour or more will seriously and rapidly deplete your stores of energy. Consuming rapidly absorbed carbohydrates in liquid form will initiate the replenishment of energy your body is screaming for.

KRUSH LOADED has gone one step further. We included multiple carb sources shown in research to more effectively replenish depleted muscular energy stores.* What's more, ALLMAX's Phased 5-Source carb glycogen replenishment technology rapidly increases glycogen synthesis.*

KRUSH LOADED is the Answer!

We are now stocking this great post workout supplements along with a wide range of Allmax sport supplements in store and available to buy online at 999 protein.

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Grenade AT4 Test Booster

Grenade AT4 Anabolic Devastation Now available at 999 protein Supplements



Grenade AT4 has been formulated by the multi award winning sports nutrition specialists at Grenade to transform your body’s anabolic environment. Let’s face it, to achieve maximum strength and muscle mass, it’s not enough to just hit the weights hard and get in all of your calories and protein, you need to achieve the right hormonal balance to ensure that you recover from all of that hard training and that all of that nutrition is directed to muscular recovery and repair!

Grenade AT4 contains the latest, research-led  ingredients, delivered in clinically-tested dosages, so that you can be sure that you’ve left no stone unturned when it comes to providing your body with all of the crucial factors that support muscle mass, recovery and muscle pumps! Crucially, Grenade AT4 is manufactured using Rapid Dispersal Capsule technology to ensure fast and complete delivery of AT4’s high-quality nutraceutical payload into your digestive tract!

In formulating Grenade AT4, our research team looked at every major hormone-support product that has been formulated over the last ten years. Next we looked at all of the science that has evaluated potential hormone support ingredients. Then we discarded all of the obsolete ingredients that didn’t meet our exacting standards for effectiveness and only included the most powerful candidate ingredients.

The result is  Grenade AT4, which contains research tested dosages of D-Aspartic Calcium Chelate, Trade Marked Fenurex, Passiflora Caerulea, Boric Acid and mega-dose Vitamin D3.

If you would like any help or advice on what is the best supplement for you, get in touch with Our friendly experienced staff are more than happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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Sunday 17 February 2013


Prоhоrmоnеѕ аrе оnе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr ѕuррlеmеntѕ fоr bоdуbuіldіng bесаuѕе thеу hаvе ѕuсh аmаzіng rеѕultѕ.

Prоhоrmоnеѕ hаvе а ѕіmіlаr еffесt оn thе bоdу thаt аnаbоlіс ѕtеrоіdѕ dо аѕ thеу саn аіd in muѕсlе gаіnѕ аnd іnсrеаѕе ѕtrеngth but wіth thе mајоr bеnеfіtѕ оf bеіng соmрlеtеlу lеgаl.

We can ensure you when you buy prohormones online or in store from 999 Protein that they will be safe to use as well as giving you maximal results.

If you would like any help or advice on what is the best supplement for you, get in touch with Our friendly experienced staff are more than happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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Post Workout Supplements

The post workout period is the most vital time for ensuring your nutrition is perfect. It is at this time that your muscles are the most sensitive to the nutrients you deliver them.

After a workout your body is craving for high protein and carbohydrate rich calories! Post workout is also the best time to take a creatine supplement since absorption is much higher, and your body will utilise a greater percentage of the creatine.

We have a large range on top quality post workout supplements available both in store and online.

If you would like any help or advice on what is the best supplement for you, get in touch with Our friendly experienced staff are more than happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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Protein Supplements

How Do Protein Supplements Work

Professional athletes, bodybuilders and general gym users regularly use protein as a dietary supplement in training sessions. Protein supplements are designed to increase muscle mass when combined with regular exercise. Supplements are mostly powdered formulas which can be mixed with milk, water or fruit juices to make a tasty shake.

How do supplements speed up the muscle growth process?

They provide your body with ability to create the amino acids which are required to build muscle tissue faster. Physical activity requires higher levels of protein by increasing your protein intake by using supplements you are allowing your muscles more time to recover, growing faster as a result.

Taking extra protein before you exercise is a great way of optimising muscle development as well as improving the overall immune health aiding to stay healthier, fitter and stronger for longer through intense training.

Protein supplements are not just for building muscle or increasing bogy mass, there is a variey of diet protein supplements which are design to increase metabolic rates or minimise food cravings by help you stay fuller for longer.

Whey protein supplements offer superior results for muscle gain, although if you suffer from bloating or are lactose intolerant you may wish to use an different supplement. 999 Protein offer a wide variety of supplements to choose from, with professional advice on what best suits your goals.

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Glutamine Supplements

Glutamine is a important amino acid that is needed by muscles in the body. Glutamine is one of the most important building blocks in forming the proteins that maintain cellular health and tissue repair. 

If you are involved in high intensity training programme, Glutamine is a very beneficial supplement. stock only the best glutamine supplements from the leading manufactures of sport nutrition supplements including Optimum Nutrition, Gaspari, Allmax and Reflex.

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PHD Synergy ISO 7 Review

For a while now, PHD Synergy Iso-7 is one of the best all in one supplements available.

PHD Synergy Iso-7 has been proven to help in muscle growth, endurance and strength as well as aiding recovery. 999 Protein Supplements would highly recommend this all in one supplement for any type of athlete, especially runners, footballers, tennis players, rugby players, bodybuilders and people weight training.

With 37g of high quality fast acting protein in each serving, which will aid the recovery of damaged muscle tissue as well as help develop new, lean muscle tissue. The 18g of carbohydrate in each serving can assist in increased muscle mass, these carbohydrates are also an important aid in muscle recovery, helping restore your glycogen levels, after training and exercise.

PHD Synergy Iso-7 also contains micronised Creatine, micronised L-Glutamine and Taurine. Creatine will help raise the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in the muscle cell, this is the biochemical way to store and use energy. L-Glutamine and Taurine increase the rate of protein synthesis in your muscle, which helps with quicker recovery.

PHD Synergy Iso-7 also uses a natural testosterone boosting matrix, enhancing the rate of anabolism which will increase on your muscle growth, strength and energy levels. With minerals, Zinc and Magnesium and a mix of vitamins also included for supporting recovery through the night, and producing a healthy immune function.

If you would like to know more information on this or any other all in one supplement please contact us, we are always pleased to help with any enquiry or questions you may have.

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Saturday 16 February 2013

Creatine Supplements

Creatine is naturally produced in the human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver. It is transported in the blood for use by muscles.

Creatine is not an essential nutrient, as it is manufactured in the human body from L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine.

In humans and animals, approximately half of stored creatine originates from food (about 1g a day, mainly from meat). A study, involving 18 vegetarians and 24 non-vegetarians, on the effect of creatine in vegetarians showed that total creatine was significantly lower than in non-vegetarians.

Since vegetables do not contain the primary source of creatine, vegetarians can be expected to show lower levels of directly derived muscle creatine. However, the subjects happened to show the same levels after using Creatine supplements.

Given the fact that creatine can be synthesized from amino acids, protein sources rich in these amino acids can be expected to provide adequate capability of native biosynthesis in the human body.

Creatine is used by the body for an energy source and production, in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Creatine is designed and manufactured to provide benefits in improving performance in high-intensity, short-duration activities such as weight lifting. Whilst taking Creatine the user’s body will increases production of ATP whilst decreasing the exhaustion of muscles, helping to contain muscle fatigue by reducing the levels lactic acid, an energy waste.

999 protein supplements have a wide range Creatine supplements, including Creatine monohydrate powders and capsules from the leading brands in sports nutrition, but if you would like more information feel free to get in touch and our competitive bodybuilders will email you with answers.

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Friday 15 February 2013

Carbohtdrate Supplements

Carbohydrates are often overlooked when creating a diet plan. Low carb and ketogenic diets have have become extremely popular over the past few years. These low carb diets have caused many to stay away from carbs altogether, for people engaging in a high volume of training or exercise this is a huge mistake.

If used properly, carbohydrates have the ability to increase muscle growth, prevent muscle loss, and even boost the metabolism.

Carbohydrates are the most common source of energy for our bodies and should account for 50% – 75% of your dietary intake. Carbohydrates are proven to improve exercise performance, reduce tiredness and aid recovery.

If you would like any help or advice on what is the best carbohydrate supplement for you, get in touch with Our friendly experienced staff are more than happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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