Sunday 17 February 2013

Protein Supplements

How Do Protein Supplements Work

Professional athletes, bodybuilders and general gym users regularly use protein as a dietary supplement in training sessions. Protein supplements are designed to increase muscle mass when combined with regular exercise. Supplements are mostly powdered formulas which can be mixed with milk, water or fruit juices to make a tasty shake.

How do supplements speed up the muscle growth process?

They provide your body with ability to create the amino acids which are required to build muscle tissue faster. Physical activity requires higher levels of protein by increasing your protein intake by using supplements you are allowing your muscles more time to recover, growing faster as a result.

Taking extra protein before you exercise is a great way of optimising muscle development as well as improving the overall immune health aiding to stay healthier, fitter and stronger for longer through intense training.

Protein supplements are not just for building muscle or increasing bogy mass, there is a variey of diet protein supplements which are design to increase metabolic rates or minimise food cravings by help you stay fuller for longer.

Whey protein supplements offer superior results for muscle gain, although if you suffer from bloating or are lactose intolerant you may wish to use an different supplement. 999 Protein offer a wide variety of supplements to choose from, with professional advice on what best suits your goals.

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